About Us
Crowds on Demand was founded by Adam Swart in 2012 to change how advocacy is done. Since then we have become the source for creating movement, and building impactful events.
Our Founder
Adam Swart
Founder & CEO
Adam Swart founded Crowds on Demand as a college student at UCLA in 2012 because he understood the power of a crowd to shape people's perceptions.
The same speech by a politician has a different meaning if it is given in front of 1000 people instead of 10.
A routine conference becomes "controversial" when 50 protesters are outside.
An ordinary product launch becomes a newsworthy event when delivered with fanfare and flair.
Just like Dunkin is no longer just donuts, Crowds on Demand is no longer just a provider of crowds. We have put together campaigns that have secured multi-billion dollar cable carriage agreements, ended forms of anti-LGBT discrimination by insurance companies, obtained approvals for critical energy infrastructure, and shaped large public company mergers & acquisitions.
We create movements from the ground up on something as simple as a local building and zoning issue or as complex as an international business dispute. We create advocacy groups and staff them with suitable leadership. We also provide phone banking and mass-emailing services with global capabilities.
Twelve years on, Adam continues to take a 'hands-on' approach with all Crowds on Demand clients, helping them to advocate for important causes, build their businesses, settle disputes, or amplify their message often when other strategies have failed.
When work isn't giving him enough challenges, Adam enjoys competing in tennis tournaments, trail running up mountains, and keeping up with his 2-year-old Goldendoodle. Adam spends his time between Scottsdale, the San Francisco Bay Area, and Los Angeles.
Featured Press
Crowds on Demand receives a great deal of media attention highlighting our unique competencies and campaign achievements. We’ve had magazine feature stories in California Sunday Magazine and GQ, coverage on flagship news programs such as ABC’s “Good Morning America”, CBS’s “This Morning”, Univision’s “Despierta America”, NPR’s “All Things Considered” as well as various pieces in Vice, Fox News, The Washington Post, SBS Korean Television, The Sydney Morning Herald, The Hindustan Times, and many other outlets.
Take a look at a small selection of the press we’ve received over the years to get a glimpse of who we are and how we deliver great results on our campaigns and phenomenal experiences for clients.
If you are a journalist and interested in doing a story, please contact us.